Wondering how to identify the SEO agency that worked on a particular site? Do you have any ideas? Discover 5 effective techniques to identify an SEO agency working on a site.
What distinguishes the agency from others
Take an interest in what differentiates one agency from another. So you will know what it has better than the others. For example, you can determine: the extent of their experience in SEO; the different clients they have already worked with; the tasks they have already performed and the results they have achieved for these clients. For more details, you should investigate this site.
White hat methods
Check that the agency uses 'white hat' techniques. SEO tactics allow for results to be achieved in record time. It respects the guidelines of the Google search engine. Using 'black hat' tactics can lead to complete removal of the site as a penalty.
The right analysis tools
With SEO analysis tools, web agencies can: determine the needs of a site; analyse competitors and find the best strategies to improve the site. There are good and bad tools. You can find out which ones the agency is using to be sure of the performance of the proposed actions on the site.
Reviews and reviews
A good way to identify an SEO agency is to find out about their reputation. You can contact past clients to find out about the quality of service the agency offers. An online look at the reviews on the agency's website or Google reviews would be very helpful. Take an interest in the agency's optimised sites to check their performance. Also look at the projects delivered and the delivery method.
The SEO process
The referencing of a site takes into account several parameters including: the nature of the site, the sector of activity, the level of competition and the objectives pursued. Note that the referencing strategy is not predefined. It is done after in-depth analysis.